Well the highlight of yesterday was winning my Nascar face-off, quite soundly with my drivers finishing 1st, 2nd and 17th. This helped me to beat Justin who was more than equal throughout the entire race. A few lucky breaks helped me clutch victory however. Until next time Justin, until next time.
Later that evening my Hattrick Team failed to produce like it should have. That really disappointed me. I out performed the other team and had 70% possession but only pulled out a 1-1 tie. It was sad. That was the karma in my fantasy games that day.
Later that evening I went to working "hard" on my Marketing Paper and Marketing Presentation. After "finishing" both of those I got to studying for my IDSC midterm that was today. I didn’t do so hot in that. It’s not that the material is hard, because I can complete the lab in usually one class period before we are taught anything about the subject, it’s just that they use made up words. I swear each branch of business makes up their own words just to add paper work and schooling so that we can feed this starving economy. As for the Paper, it sounded good and I had pretty much what everyone else did, so that’s good and our presentation went well, once again reinforcing the bad habits of procrastination.
With all of said events, my progress on anything related to shatteredcube has pretty much ceased. I still have a midterm tomorrow to study for and something on Wednesday, I just can’t think of it. I’ll see if I can’t sneak some work in because I am getting very sick of having this project set aside during development. However, the signup part is done and I am working on the comments system (I think it will be easy). From there maybe a forum? or perhaps a game? or just some personalization in the CSS department.
Well I’m done for now and I am going to get to studying because I have to so…
Go shatter a cube, play some halo.
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