Monthly Archives: February 2006

Picture 2

The next set of many more to come.

This one is a little guy that has magnetic legs adn hands that you can mold into many different shapes.

This one is a picture of our art project for art 1001W (Shout out to Nicole and Tony). It’s an underground park designed for the city. I tried to get a "perspective" point of view.

shatter craziness

First Picture Update

So I actually took a couple and uploaded them. The first one was taken yesterday. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud in the library.

This second one was taken a while back (novemeber, if you haven’t figured out by now the images filenames are the date they were taken) and I was impressed at my ability to capture the UFOs.

All of the images are shot on a Motorola v551 from Cingular; with a sometimes dirty lens. Don’t even ask what f-stop or shutter speed because the exposure comes in the form of words like "Sunny" or "Night". I have plenty more photos and I have photos of real people so if you don’t mind me posting your image on the web I’d like it if you left a comment saying so under this post.

That’s all for now. I’ve got homework to do.

shatter errors

Update w00t!

Hello devoted viewers! I don’t like to blog it seems. What I do like to do is take pictures with my crappy cell phone camera. (That is until I save a good $1-3k and buy myself a Canon Digital Rebel, much like Alex‘s camera.) Therefore I think I will convert the front page to a daily photo showcase. It will take some coding (read: will never get done because of other things that take precedence.) Well cross your fingers because I know all of you are writhing in anticipation.

shatter this crappy winter