Monthly Archives: February 2009

Perfect Moments

Life is a series of moments. Every once in a while a moment comes along where nothing else matters. Time moves slower, the air is sweeter and your soul is free to just take it all in. I think it’d be great to create a collection of “Perfect Moments.” Here are just 2 of the many in my life to start it off:

1) After a long and tiring day of skiing, it is a moment of complete peace and satisfaction as I drive home. I’ve just had a wonderful day. The heater in the car is starting to kick in. The music on the radio seems to be always what I want to hear. There is rarely another car on the road. It’s nothing but me, the car and the road to reflect on how great life really is.

2) Taking a much needed nap by a fireplace. The world melts away in front of the light and warmth of the fire. Nothing truly gives the mind and soul a break like a nap in front of the fireplace.

What are your perfect moments? They don’t have to be long or descriptive, just moments that are truly perfect to you.