Tag Archives: Hockey

You Can’t Spell Job Without OH BOY!

It has been a while since I’ve made a personal blog post; as has been kindly been brought to my attention.  It is because a lot of things and yet at the same time, not much had happened.  I feel confident now in having something substantial deliver to my audience.

Important things first:  I purchased Super Smash Brothers Brawl (Wii) and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (X360).  SSSB is an amazing game with a surprisingly very enjoyable single player and co-op.  I recommend it for any Wii owner.  (We even got Elizabeth to play and she seemed to be having a bit of fun once she found a character she liked.)  RSV2 is a lot like RSV1 with sprinting and a RPG aspect not unlike COD4.  The single player story is fun to play but ridiculous.

Hockey has been down right amazing.  The Gophers went on a streak to beat Mankato 2 out of 3 games that all went into over time to get into the Final Five.  The Gophers then went on to beat St. Cloud State and Colorado College to make it to the championship game.  Ultimately Denver won but The Gophers put up such an amazing effort that it is impossible to be upset.  If they continue to play this hard they have a great chance in the Frozen Four.

This past Tuesday I made crab cakes.  They were pretty good and with some tweaking they could be great.   Perhaps I’ll share the recipe if there is any interest.

I leave on my Ski Paradise vacation soon.  A whole week of water skiing in wonderfully warm and sunny weather.  It should be an absolute blast.  I only hope that my body can survive 4 sets a day for 5 days.  I leave on the 5th and come back on the 12th.

I had a slight cold this past couple of weeks, but nothing Halls cough drops couldn’t fix.

Visited the family on Easter.  Really strange when only half the family is there.

Gas is expensive ($3.10+) and influences me not to drive anymore.  I have the feeling that when I look back and read this post I will be jealous of the low price.

It appears that a lot of my favorite shows are starting to air new episodes again.  Reaper is on, South Park has been on for a while and I think the office should be coming back sometime soon.

The snow is melting and things are heating up.

I got a job.

Wait what?  Yup :-)  I have been offered a position at Accenture as a Consulting Analyst and I have accepted it.  The start date is May 27th.  Meaning, I’ve got a couple of months to wait.  However, as an entry level job I would be hard pressed to find anything better in this line of work.  The job will require hard work, networking and perhaps frequent travel, but at this time of my life that sounds incredibly exciting.

The last week or so I’ve spent going through the interview process.  I first was contacted by the recruiter and communicated with her.  After that it was a phone interview.  Having success in the phone interview led to an office visit.  At the office visit I had a couple of interviews and lunch with a fellow potential hire and three employees who were in our position a year or so ago.  Even though it was an interview and interviews are supposed to be huffy, I had a great time and met some very wonderful and interesting people.

I had originally been informed that I could start in April.  This date has be canceled for some unexplained reason.   My guess is that they don’t have enough new hires to warrant batching the training process.  This means I will be starting in May with all the new college graduates.  That’s fine and waiting the extra month while I live on a budget is fine.  Where things get complicated is the 2 weeks of training at Accenture’s campus in Chicago.  This will likely occur at the end of June.  Right about the time Becky and Brad get married.  I can only hope that I’m allowed to fly back, if even on my own dime for that, or that the training wraps up on Friday and we leave Friday night.  If anyone has any thoughts on this I’d be happy for any advice.  What if I’m not able to come back?  For now it’s as the old adage goes, “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

I now have about 2 Months (minus vacation) to spend on a side project or catch up with friends, because once I start working I have a feeling I will fall off the face of the earth.  I kid, but seriously during the week I will be a ghost.  You will only be able to catch me on the weekends.  Weekends are pretty sacred at Accenture.   I’d be happy to share more details in person.  I don’t feel comfortable expunging details on the internet, never know who is listening.

That leaves us with today.  I’m going to be picking up the parents from the airport after their two week long cruise.  They have yet to hear about my job, so that should be good news for them.  I’ve got laundry that needs to be done and some other misc. cleaning to do in preparation, so have a great weekend everybody!

Shatter expectations and conquer the world!

Things I’m looking forward to:

  • Starting training for my Job
  • GTA4
  • Spore
  • Water Sports

Things I’m not looking forward to:

  • Juggling personal and work life
  • Commuting/Driving

All clear

So yesterday’s post was in response to my father being admitted to the ER with the possibility of a stress induced cardiac issue.  He felt an odd pain/sensation that he had not felt before and due to the amount of stress that work has been for the past year he figured it would be best to get it looked at.  They held him over night to do a stress test this morning.  Everything appears to be fine but it is a clear indication that he, as do we all, need to manage our stress levels and find time to relax.

So relax we did.  My dad and I sat down today to watch the first disc of Battlestar Galactica Season 2.0.  It is a great series for anyone who enjoy sci-fi or quality interpersonal development.  (Weird combo but it works.)

This was after I had gotten up at 8:30am this morning to go play Hockey with JJ and his friend Drew at Bielenberg.  We played for a good hour and a half.  JJ is getting considerably better in goal and as for myself, well I had a big break through in my shooting today.  I feel that I was able to gain 25% accuracy increase along with a 15% power increase all by completing the shot motion.  I thought I had been doing it all along but not until I made a conscious effort did I realize what I had been missing.  After ourhockey endeavor I stopped at Anytime Fitness and put in a good hour workout.  That’s two and a half hours of exercise today.  I’m glad that I forced myself to workout after hockey even though I was already dead tired.  In fact, I’m surprised I’m awake right now to type this post.  I’m fairly certain that I am getting a second wind, hopefully it will die right as I finish typing.

Elizabeth was in the market to get some new glasses today so I tagged along to share my uninformed opinion on everything eyeware.  Our destination, Pearle Vision, was quite possibly the brightest store in the entire world.  I certainly looked like crap in all the mirrors, it’s no wonder I’m a night person, the dark suites me.  We were fortunate enough to find a pair of glasses that really had that “Wow” factor.

After that it was back to my house to watch some TV.  Reno 911 is back on, so “wizard” to that.  Oh yea, Elizabeth and I saw Juno last night.  Great flick.  Everyone should see it.  Also I’m 99% sure that it takes place in Minnesota.  Elizabeth and I kind of narrowed it down to being in Bloomington or somewhere around there.

That’s all the rambling I can think of now.  Ramble on children….ramble on…


I picked up both of my suits today. They fit pretty dang well. I could get used to this custom tailored lifestyle.

In an entirely different category of suits, I picked up a goalie chest protector last week from play it again. It was a “sorta” birthday present for JJ because he can use it when we play now. I was able to use it yesterday when we played hockey with Elizabeth’s family. I stepped in goal and used my pads along with her brother Scott’s pads. Being a goalie is certainly different from being a regular player. It worked my legs a lot more. All the up and down is tiring but exhilarating when you make the stop.

I’ve fallen and I can’t get up

Fallen off the face of the earth that is.  I would have updated last night but the internets was teh slowzor.  Let’s see, what happened since Thursday…

Hockey games.  We swept Wayne State.

Resume is 90% done and in final editing stages.

Did laundry, twice.

Worked out and played hockey yesterday.

Saw Elizabeth for a week and a half straight.

Researched and purchased a DS homebrew device.

Set up Elizabeth’s new MP3 player.

Now it’s time for me to get back to getting things done.  Laundry, workout, cleaning and Life Development work needs to get done.