Tag Archives: WordPress

iBuy, iPay, iBreak, iPhone

Justin convinced me into buying an iPhone. It was either the iPhone or the HTC touch pro. Seeing as the touch pro would be 800-1000 and not yet released, I think the iPhone is overall a good decision.

I have to hand it to apple, they know how to provide one sexy GUI. It is a pleasure to use the device (for the most part.) I was worried about the on screen keyboard, but the phone has a wonderful system for predicting what you want. In most cases I don’t have any issues getting the message across. Only in username and password fields is it an issue.

Microsoft Exchange is up and running with my Accenture email. It is fantastic. I feel so important now. Too bad Best Buy is against, but I can still use webmail to get at my best buy email.

My only gripe so far is that my vibrate switch broke. This seems to be a common problem for some of us and it looks like I will have to take it into one of these so called “genuises” to get it sorted out.

Other than that, I’m so impressed by the apps. Pandora and Twinkle (Twitter with so much more than just tweets) right now are just friggen cool. AIM is functional and there are plenty more free apps to try. I’m tempted to start programming some of my own. We shall see.

I only hope that I can get to bed tonight at a decent hour.

Apps I have and look useful:

  • Twinkle
  • AIM
  • Facebook
  • WordPress
  • Google Mobile App
  • Pandora

MooCube v1.0

A few hours later and its done. I think that I have found a good stopping point release MooCube version 1.0.

Client Side-Features:

  • It’s not the Word Press Default.
  • Banner and Logo change color when you use the mouse-wheel over them.
  • Banner and Logo colors can be changed using the color buttons.
  • The Cube Button can be used to bring up the glass view panes. On them can be found recent posts, recent comments, search, RSS Feeds and Login.
  • It has always been available, but now it is recommended to register as a user of the site. This will make it so you don’t have to put in your information every time you want to comment.
  • Google Ads displays properly and with non-abrasive colors.
  • Many new custom icons.

This is a test of the emergency Blockquote system. If this were a real blockquote it would be all quotey and say stuff about things.


  • Built in Google AdSense Manager
  • Custom color choices of header and logo
  • All images references contain in CSS
  • Well documented Code
  • MooTools implementation
  • Standards compliant fluid design
  • IE7 and Firefox compatibility
  • Widgetized Header, Footer and Sidebar

Known Issues:

  • Transparent PNG does not always load properly resulting in a darker image. This resolves it self at random times. (Priority: none)
  • Left glass panes are jumpy in IE. Probably due to float issues, but cause still uncertain. (Priority: very low)

Soon to be updated:

  • Headers: Glass and Sidebar
  • Allow multiple posts on the front page
    • Ability to collapse posts
    • 2-4 More custom icons

If you have any suggestions or questions, I am always open and interested in feedback. Likes, dislikes, loves, hates and neatos. As the designer and programmer, you can often get railroaded into a certain style. Taking a step back and listening to some constructive criticism can go a long way.

I’ve got some ideas already about the journey to v1.5, in addition to the updates I plan to do, but I think I will hold off on them for a bit. It’s been a pretty intense process so far. I’ve had to re-learn CSS, XHTML and PHP. On top of that I had to learn how to build templates for WordPress, utilize the MooTools library and I took the time to learn Dreamweaver.

The life of a programmer never stops, but look for regular posts to start up again soon.

Perpetual 2nd

Doomed I say.  Doomed to live a life of eternal second places.  Yet another poker game has come and gone, resulting in a second place finish for yours truly.  The game was a steady decline until I won a few key hands to become chip leader.  I pretty much worked Greg over.  To his credit, he didn’t see the flush possibility on the board and made an ill advised call.  Thus our four player game (Greg, Casey, JJ and Myself) became a two player game and that was where my “luck” had run out.  I made an ok call by forcing JJ’s hand (pre-flop)  only to have him soundly thrash me.  From then on it was pretty much over.  No luck I say, no luck.

Chops doesn’t join us at the table on these poker nights.  In the past he had class and wouldn’t get back until after the game had started.  Not having any excuse now, he still would rather play video games or watch a movie.  This time he chose to do both.   After some Halo he put in Tremors.  As we fell one by one from the poker table we made our way into the living room to join in the viewing of Tremors.  It was certainly a refreshing look at the Golden Era of movies-ha!  It is indeed the epitome of a modern day B-movie.

We didn’t do much after that.  I returned home and ate some left over Yang’s.  Played some Xbox live with JJ and Chad.  Now it’s time for bed.  I’m pretty proud of my update track record.  Definitely a testament to the stark contrast in the usability of WordPress versus my patch work CMS.  Tomorrow should be really fun.  Greg was talking about getting JJ pretty well “hydrated” and I get to see Elizabeth after her work party.  Life is wonderful, goodnight!

Halo 3 Heroic Map Pack Day

The Halo 3 Heroic Map Pack was released today. I stayed up until 4am to download it and then proceeded to make a map. For those that don’t understand, the game has a “forge” mode that allows you to edit the content of an existing map. It’s much like take the shell of a car and changing all it’s parts. Three hours after release I had finished the map. It’s a tribute to good old 90’s classic, American Gladiators. Okay, so no one who reads this will likely care, but I figured I would just say what I did this morning…before I went to sleep.

Class was pretty uneventful. It was the first of a two part review extravaganza; tomorrow being the second part. It was the last class with one of my favorite teachers – Summers. I liked him because he teaches in sync with my style of learning and could properly answer questions that were asked. He was the TA for this class, Econometrics, but I had had him for a professor in my Financial Economics class. The Final for this class will be on the 18th and after that I will be done with my undergraduate education.

On that note – I graduated, or had the ceremony, this past Sunday on Dec. 9th 2007. I’m glad to still be graduating an “07”. The order of prerequisites could have screwed that up, but I was fortunate enough to only be delayed a single semester. Two classes over two semesters – silly.

The historic posts should be moved over soon. The panel here at Dreamhost was down last night, at least for me. I was unable to get in and it just kind of halted me from doing any more back end work. Funny enough I don’t really need to do anything with Dreamhost, since WordPress has a wonderful way of grabbing those posts without the need of FTP, SSH or any other fancy acronyms. (I lied… I will likely being using RSS which is an acronym.) Lots to look forward to and lots to in the upcoming month. I may have put life on autopilot for the past couple of months but now it’s time to get in gear.

Time’s up! Alright let’s do this!