Update w00t!

Hello devoted viewers! I don’t like to blog it seems. What I do like to do is take pictures with my crappy cell phone camera. (That is until I save a good $1-3k and buy myself a Canon Digital Rebel, much like Alex‘s camera.) Therefore I think I will convert the front page to a daily photo showcase. It will take some coding (read: will never get done because of other things that take precedence.) Well cross your fingers because I know all of you are writhing in anticipation.

shatter this crappy winter

  1. i don’t know if you have any pictures of me… but if you do, I don’t mind being online 🙂

  2. I like the UFO picture.

  3. As the ufo’s made of light come for us, I’d like to say this: not bad for a cell phone.

  4. The pictures are a good start. You can put whatever you want of me as long as I don’t look ugly. I will let you know if they need to be taken down!

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